It takes a specialist painter to achieve the high-end finishes that you see on some of Brisbane’s most beautiful Queenslanders. Signature Painters has developed this expertise over 10 years. It’s what has made us trusted Brisbane Queenslander painters.
A Queenslander painting project requires precise planning to ensure that every aspect of the job is done correctly. It’s a huge project that starts with selecting the right colours for each part of the home, repairing defects and removing any old lead-based paint that’s toxic. The heritage features of Queenslanders require extra-careful attention during the painting process too.
What makes Queenslanders so appealing also makes them challenging to paint – their age and height, verandas and high ceilings, their window canopies and gables, decorative woodwork, picture rails, breezeways and VJ panelling. These classic timber homes have stood the test of time and need to be painted with the attention to detail they deserve.
As experienced Brisbane Queenslander Painters, the Signature team knows how to get these beautiful homes looking their best. We have both the restoration and painting skills needed, plus loads of experience and attention to detail. Using the right equipment, techniques and products, we’ve restored many Queenslanders to their original glory.
If you choose us as your Brisbane Queenslander painter, you can be assured your house will look amazing! Learn more about our Queenslander painting and renovation service.
Considering these questions will help you choose a good Queenslander painter.